Coastal Construction Services. LLC
Preserving Our Waterways
Marine Contractors License # 330(E)

Stream Restoration
In order to meet State and County TMDL requirements, developers are often turning to stream restoration and stabilization. Additionally, many projects that receive Federal and State wetland permits/funding are now being required to mitigate these resource impacts through stream restoration. Stream restoration techniques include all natural materials in building bed sills, cross veining, boulder toe stabilization, revetment walls, soil lifts and other stabilization methods.

Wetland Mitigation
While designing a project, governments and developers may encounter unavoidable impacts to existing natural wetlands. Mitigation is the process of enhancing, restoring or creating wetlands to compensate for the functional loss of a permitted wetland impacts. Typical impacts include utility crossings, filling of wetlands to extend roadways or grading and clearing to facilitate development. Let Coastal Construction Services extensive experience in mitigation projects assist you in successfully fulfilling your mitigation requirements.

Wildewood 2.4 Acres of Wetland Mitigation

Indian Head Vernal Pool
Stormwater Management
Project development creates impervious surfaces such as roofs, parking lots and roadways that impact the volume and velocity of stormwater run off into existing drainage courses, streams, lakes and ponds. Stormwater Management (SWM) is the process of controlling the quality and quantity of storm water runoff before it reaches our natural resources. Management is accomplished through the construction of detention, slow release and filtering devices before the storm water leaves a developed site. Our team at Coastal Construction Services has successfully implemented the construction of hundreds of storm water management devices and we can help your team met your SWM goals.

Bio Infiltration Basin

Gravel Pave Parking Lot
Living Shoreline
Living shorelines are shoreline erosion control measures that emulate natural conditions through the calculated arrangement of native plantings, stone, sand and organic materials. The purpose of a living shoreline is to protect or restore natural shoreline habitat from the erosive action caused by wind, tidal changes and storm related wave action. Protection measures may include the construction of stone sills, offshore breakwaters, groins, or log toe reinforcement. Contact our team at Coastal Construction Services for a free design build estimate today.